Sistema HUBER ThermWin para recuperación de energía térmica del agua residual

Beneath our streets we find an energy source that we have so far ignored. Municipal sewage contains thermal energy; its temperature is generally between 10 and 20°C, all year round. This temperature permits economical operation of heat pumps for the heating of nearby buildings (e.g. nursery homes, schools, gymnasiums, swimming pools). The only challenge is how best to extract heat from sewage.
Manufacturers are busily developing sewer pipes with integrated heat exchangers; but then we would need new sewer construction. There are special heat exchangers that can be installed on the inverts of existing sewers; but this is only possible in large diameter sewers, and heat transfer is impeded by fouling layers on the surface of such heat exchangers; not only is installation of such heat exchangers difficult and expensive, but also their service and maintenance.
We have developed our own HUBER Solution ThermWin for heat recovery from sewage:
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We withdraw sewage from the sewer, screen it, pump it through above-ground Heat Exchangers, and then return it back into the sewer. Because we screen and pump the sewage, we can use compact and cost-effective heat exchangers, wherein we generate a well-defined and turbulent flow for efficient heat transfer. For screening we use a Vertical Screw Screen HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4 that is compact and lifts the screening through its vertical auger. Returned sewage flushed the lifted screenings over a chute back into the sewer.

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Ventajas de nuestro sistema HUBER ThermWin:
- Instalación rápida y sencilla.
- Rápida implantación y utilización, intercambiador de calor compacto, fácil mantenimiento, ecológico.
- Respetuoso con el medioambiente debido a la reducción de emisiones de CO2.
- No depende de los combustibles fósiles.
- Independiente con respecto a geometría de los colectores de la red de alcantarillado.
- Alta rentabilidad comparada con cualquier otra solución convencional.